Topic outline

  • Semester 3 (June 12 - September 10, 2023)

    Introduction and Short Description of the Course

    The boundaries between the digital and the physical continue to blur and new kinds of immersive interactions become possible. Augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality can create experiences that flow freely across real and virtual spaces. This course takes a close look at the mechanics of immersive storytelling within dynamic media and equips students with tools and technologies to make their story an immersive experience. Students can explore experiential and immersive storytelling in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality and 360 videos.

    The content of the course includes:

    1. The Elements of Immersion
    2. Popular Virtual and Augmented Reality Technology
    3. Limitations of Immersive Environments
    4. Applications of Immersive Experiences 

    Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

    • Describe basic technologies used in building immersive experiences.
    • Describe the basic elements of Immersion.
    • Understand basic principles of immersive environments.

  • Introductions: Let's have some fun!

    • Forum icon

      Greetings and welcome to Immersive Experiences and Technologies. 

      Please introduce yourself by creating an avatar and adding text or using the recorder on Voki (you may use your phone by installing the app)

      Once in, click on "Create". 

      Make sure you include the following items: 

      1. Name: Start by pronouncing your full name slowly and adding how you'd like to be called. 
      2. Educational Background: Share your educational background, mentioning any relevant degrees, certifications, or courses you have completed. For example, you could mention if you have a background in computer science, design, or multimedia.
      3. Professional Experience: If you have any professional experience related to immersive technologies, mention it briefly. Highlight any roles, projects, or companies you have been involved with that are relevant to the course.
      4. Interest in Immersive Technologies: Explain what interests you about immersive experiences and technologies. Share why you chose to take this course and what specific aspects of immersive technologies fascinate you.
      5. Expectations: Discuss your expectations from the course. What do you hope to learn or achieve? Are there specific skills or knowledge areas you want to develop? Sharing your expectations can help you connect with others who have similar goals.
      6. Personal and/or Professional Projects: If you have worked on any personal projects related to immersive technologies, mention them briefly. It could be creating a virtual reality game, experimenting with augmented reality applications, or any other relevant projects.
      7. Career Goals: Share your career aspirations related to immersive experiences and technologies. Discuss how you envision leveraging the knowledge gained from this course in your professional path.
      8. Interests and Hobbies: To showcase your personality beyond the course, mention a few of your personal interests and hobbies. It could be anything from art and gaming to outdoor activities or music.

  • Video-Based Tasks

    Video-Based Tasks 

    In the Unit 1, you will post your responses in 3 discussion forums by recording a presentation using a webcam or your profile image and recording your own voice using D-ID (image to speaking avatar) on Canva. You're invited to join this Canva educator team account to get free pro features.

    Remember to include the information from the book resources and readings in your posts.

    The grading of the video presentations will be based on the following criteria.  You will get a score of 100 if you adhere to the criteria. There are no in-between grades, so you will have a chance to re-do your video as many times as you wish until you get full points. 

    You may find this video on how to record your presentation useful.

  • UNIT 1: Elements of Immersion

    Lecture Notes on the Elements of Immersion